Spotlight: Q&A with Lesley Milnes

In this spotlight we check-in with Lesley Milnes, technician in the 2Blades Group in Norwich.

Photo: Lesley Milnes

What motivated you to work in the agbiotech space? 

My initial goal when I was in high school was to become like Abby Scuito from NCIS, with the music, the style, the named equipment, and the ability to help behind the scenes yet valued by the team. I realised that the life of a forensic scientist is far less glamorous, and I am far too squeamish. I still wanted to help people, and I still loved science as a whole. I did a degree in plant science at the University of Nottingham, allowing me to avoid human and animal biology. Once graduating, I moved into the agbiotech space, where I am able help people, those in the lab directly and the world at large by improving food security.

You’ve worked on a range of things during your time at 2Blades, including identifying PRR’s against fungal resistance in corn and advancing our Asian Soybean Rust research. What excites you about the work 2Blades is doing in advancing both of these projects? 

Pipeline improvement; in both projects we have utilised high through-put assays and finding new ways to build on those assay capabilities and limits is always fun. I particularly like playing with assay plans, which is similar to a logic puzzle or game of Tetris, or finding a new pipette or robot, making the manual workflow easier and faster.

I was intimidated at first, having watched those before me have limited success. However, I was able to create a very robust system that helped move us from the corn to the soybean projects.
— Lesley Milnes

What are some special moments that stick out to you since you joined the 2Blades Group in 2016? 

Enhancing the soybean protocol. It had been difficult for alumni in the lab to make the protocol viable, and when I started it was an opportunity me to develop my skills following the corn project.

When Kamil gave me the task of looking into it, I was intimidated at first, having watched those before me have limited success. However, I was able to create a very robust system that helped move us from the corn to the soybean projects.


What is one thing you would like the general public to know about your work at 2blades? 

We want the best. Everything people would say they wished an agbiotech company would do is what we aim for.


What is one thing most folks don’t know about you? 

I have recently gotten into flower pressing. I pressed some flowers from my bridesmaid bouquet and created a wedding gift for the couple, as well as a frame of my family’s favourite flowers for my nan. 

What keeps you busy when you are not in the lab? 

On the weekend, my partner and I play games. We have a Dungeons and Dragons group my partner leads and we have been playing Baldurs Gate 3, a DnD RPG video game. We have also been playing Stardew Valley which has had a big update.

I also spend a lot of time planning my farm to optimise growth times and space usage, much to my partner’s dismay.


What are you reading/listening/watching right now?

I listen to a lot of pop punk, specifically Yungblud and Bring Me the Horizon. Their high energy angst is great motivation and very energising – great for long days in the lab or getting on with housework once I get home.


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