
Open access resources for the plant disease community

The data hosted on this page are open access resources freely available to the scientific community to use and analyze for research purposes.

Resistance Gene Diversity Project


Arabidopsis | Nicotiana and Solanum | Tomatoes and other Solanaceae | Rice

Arabidopsis thaliana 

The collection of resistance genes from 69 accessions of Arabidopsis thaliana was sequenced as part of the GBMF-funded Resistance Gene Diversity (pan-NLR’ome) project performed by the laboratories of Detlef Weigel (MPI), Jeff Dangl (UNC), and Jonathan Jones (TSL) and conducted under the auspices of the 2Blades Foundation. The provided data contain circular consensus sequence (CCS) reads from Resistance Gene Enrichment Sequencing (Ren-Seq) produced on the PacBio platform. These reads were subsequently assembled into contigs.

Additional resources related to this data set are described and linked in Van der Weyer et al., 2019.


(Data hosted at Max Planck Institute for Developmental Biology Tübingen)

For more information please contact:

Prof. Detlef Weigel

Max Planck Institute for Developmental Biology


Prof. Jeff Dangl

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill


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Nicotiana and Solanum species

The collection of resistance genes from four species of Nicotiana and four Solanum species were sequenced as part of the GBMF-funded Resistance Gene Diversity (pan-NLR’ome) project performed by the laboratory of Jonathan Jones (TSL) and conducted under the auspices of the 2Blades Foundation. The data were uploaded to European Nucleotide Archive (ENA) and contain subreads from Resistance Gene Enrichment Sequencing (RenSeq) produced on the PacBio platform.

SpeciesSample NCBI Accession
Nicotiana tabacumERS1972100 (SAMEA104347122)ERX2225148
Nicotiana sylvestrisERS1972101 (SAMEA104347123)ERX2225149
Nicotiana tomentosiformisERS1972102 (SAMEA104347124) ERX2225150
Solanum tuberosum Group PhurejaERS1972103 (SAMEA104347125) ERX2225151
Solanum tuberosum cv Maris Piper ERS1972104 (SAMEA104347126) ERX2225152
Solanum lycopersicum accession FLA8059 ERS1972105 (SAMEA104347127)ERX2225153
Solanum americanum accession 944750095ERS1972106 (SAMEA104347128)ERX2225154
Nicotiana benthamianaERS1972107 (SAMEA104347129) ERX2225147

For more information please contact:

Dr. Jonathan Jones

The Sainsbury Laboratory, Norwich UK


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Tomatoes and other Solanaceae

The collection of resistance genes from tomato, pepper, N. benthamiana and wild Solanum species were sequenced as part of the GBMF-funded Resistance Gene Diversity (pan-NLR’ome) project performed by the laboratory of Brian Staskawicz and conducted under the auspices of the 2Blades Foundation. The data were uploaded to the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI)  under the BioProject PRJNA496490 and contain circular consensus sequence (CCS) reads from Resistance Gene Enrichment Sequencing (RenSeq) produced on the PacBio platform.

Restrictions on data use

You are welcome to use these data to advance your studies of the plant immune system.

By accessing these data, you agree not to publish any articles containing analyses of genes or genomic data on a genome-wide, whole-assembly scale prior to publication by the producers (Reserved Analyses). Reserved Analyses include the identification of complete sets of genomic features such as genes, gene families, regulatory elements, repeat structures, GC content, or any other genome feature, and comparisons with other Solanaceae.

The embargo on publication of Reserved Analyses by researchers outside of the pan-NLR’ome Project is expected to extend until a first publication of the results of the project is accepted. Academic users are free to publish papers dealing with specific genes or small sets of genes. If these data are used for publication, please contact the responsible persons below to determine the acknowledgement.

SpeciesNCBI Accession
S. lycopersicum HeinzSRX4891006
S. cheesmaniae 0422SRX4891000
S. cheesmaniae 1039SRX4891003

S. chmielewskii 1316SRX4891008
S. chmielewskii 1330SRX4891001
S. galapagense 0483SRX4891007
S. galapagense 1136SRX4891004
S. neorickii 1716SRX4891009
S. pimpinellifolium 0722SRX4891005
S. pimpinellifolium 1269SRX4891002
C. annuum ECWSRX4891011
C. annuum ECW 20RSRX4891012
N. benthamianaSRX4891010

For more information please contact:

Dr. Brian Staskawicz

University of California, Berkeley


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NLR-encoding genes were sequenced from 66 accessions of Oryza sativa as part of the GBMF-funded Resistance Gene Diversity (pan-NLR’ome) project performed by the laboratory of Jonathan Jones (TSL) in collaboration with Jean-Benoit Morel and Thomas Kroj (INRA) and managed by the 2Blades Foundation. Data were obtained via Resistance Gene Enrichment Sequencing (Ren-Seq) for 14 accessions via PacBio circular consensus sequence (CCS) and for 61 accessions (including those 14) via paired end Illumina reads on the HighSeq 2500 platform.

Restrictions on data use

You are welcome to use these data to advance your studies of the plant immune system.

By accessing these data, you agree not to publish any articles containing analyses of genes or genomic data on a genome-wide, whole-assembly scale prior to publication by the producers (Reserved Analyses). Reserved Analyses include the identification of complete sets of genomic features such as genes, gene families, regulatory elements, repeat structures, GC content, or any other genome feature, and comparisons with other Poaceae.

The embargo on publication of Reserved Analyses by researchers outside of the pan-NLR’ome Project is expected to extend until a first publication of the results of the project is accepted. Academic users are free to publish papers dealing with specific genes or small sets of genes. If these data are used for publication, please contact the responsible persons below to determine the acknowledgement.

All rice sequences can be downloaded through ENA under projects PRJEB23459 and PRJEB29200.

Rice varietySample Accession
K1_XiaoguSAMEA104389502 (ERS2007444)
K8_XiaoguSAMEA104389503 (ERS2007445)
YYT72_ZinuoSAMEA104389523 (ERS2007465)
P04_BaijaoSAMEA104389512 (ERS2007454)
T09_AcuceSAMEA104389518 (ERS2007460)
YYT73_AcuceSAMEA104389524 (ERS2007466)
V18_BaijaoSAMEA104389521 (ERS2007463)
YYT31_AcuceSAMEA104389522 (ERS2007464)
E1_HongjiaoSAMEA104389492 (ERS2007434)
Q7_AcuceSAMEA104389514 (ERS2007456)
G9_HongjiaoSAMEA104389495 (ERS2007437)
G13_HongjiaoSAMEA104389494 (ERS2007436)
H15_HongjiaoSAMEA104389497 (ERS2007439)
R17_AcuceSAMEA104389515 (ERS2007457)
J05_Hongyang2SAMEA104389501 (ERS2007443)
M10_AcuceSAMEA104389506 (ERS2007448)
S10_AcuceSAMEA104389516 (ERS2007458)
B05_BaijaoSAMEA104389489 (ERS2007431)
V11_BaijaoSAMEA104389520 (ERS2007462)
F22_HongjiaoSAMEA104389493 (ERS2007435)
H05_HongjiaoSAMEA104389496 (ERS2007438)
HYYT76B_HuangpinuoSAMEA104389498 (ERS2007440)
YYT78_HuangpinuoSAMEA104389526 (ERS2007468)
MaratelliSAMEA104389507 (ERS2007449)
Padi_BoenorSAMEA104389513 (ERS2007455)
KasalathSAMEA104389504 (ERS2007446)
KitaakeSAMEA104389505 (ERS2007447)
IRAT13SAMEA104389500 (ERS2007442)
TetepSAMEA104389519 (ERS2007461)
Oryzica_Llanos_5SAMEA104389511 (ERS2007453)
AzucenaSAMEA104389488 (ERS2007430)
MoroberekanSAMEA104389508 (ERS2007450)
IR64SAMEA104389499 (ERS2007441)
SariceltikSAMEA104389517 (ERS2007459)
NipponbareSAMEA104389509 (ERS2007451)
ChepuguSAMEA4975981 (ERS2794052)
LubaiguSAMEA4975982 (ERS2794053)
ZaoguSAMEA4975983 (ERS2794054)
EpuguSAMEA4975984 (ERS2794055)
JianshuiguSAMEA4975985 (ERS2794056)
HonglueduoluSAMEA4975986 (ERS2794057)
Mingliangyou 527SAMEA4975987 (ERS2794058)
Liangyou 2161SAMEA4975988 (ERS2794059)
JinpingguSAMEA4975989 (ERS2794060)
LuhongguSAMEA4975990 (ERS2794061)
B06 AcuceSAMEA4975991 (ERS2794062)
P03 AcuceSAMEA4975992 (ERS2794063)
D15 BaijiaoSAMEA4975993 (ERS2794064)
D09 BaijiaoSAMEA4975994 (ERS2794065)
T18 AcuceSAMEA4975995 (ERS2794066)
YYT31 BijiaolaojingSAMEA4975996 (ERS2794067)
F13 HongjiaoSAMEA4975997 (ERS2794068)
E5 HongjiaoSAMEA4975998 (ERS2794069)
J08 Hongyang 2SAMEA4975999 (ERS2794070)
J11 Hongyang 2SAMEA4976000 (ERS2794071)
L13 XiaoguSAMEA4976001 (ERS2794072)
M1 XiaoguSAMEA4976002 (ERS2794073)
YYT60 XiaoguSAMEA4976003 (ERS2794074)
YYT62 XiaoguSAMEA4976004 (ERS2794075)
YYT65 XiaoguSAMEA4976005 (ERS2794076)
YYT24 XiaoguSAMEA4976006 (ERS2794077)
YYT76B_HuangpinuoSAMEA104389525 (ERS2007467)
NSF-TV116SAMEA104389510 (ERS2007452)
Cocodrie_301379SAMEA104389491 (ERS2007433)
C101A51SAMEA104389490 (ERS2007432)
Zhenshan2SAMEA104389527 (ERS2007469)

For more information please contact:

Dr. Jonathan Jones

The Sainsbury Laboratory, Norwich UK



Triticum aestivum (Bread wheat)

NLR-encoding genes were sequenced from 100 wheat landraces as part of the GBMF-funded Resistance Gene Diversity (pan-NLR’ome) project performed by the laboratory of Jonathan Jones (TSL) in collaboration with Dr. Brande Wulff (John Innes Centre) and under the auspices of 2Blades Foundation. The data were uploaded to the European Nucleotide Archive and can be downloaded under project PRJEB35692

Restrictions on data use

You are welcome to use these data to advance your studies of the plant immune system.

By accessing these data, you agree not to publish any articles containing analyses of genes or genomic data on a genome-wide, whole-assembly scale prior to publication by the producers (Reserved Analyses). Reserved Analyses include the identification of complete sets of genomic features such as genes, gene families, regulatory elements, repeat structures, GC content, or any other genome feature, and comparisons with other Triticeae.

The embargo on publication of Reserved Analyses by researchers outside of the pan-NLR’ome Project is expected to extend until a first publication of the results of the project is accepted. Academic users are free to publish papers dealing with specific genes or small sets of genes. If these data are used for publication, please contact the responsible persons below to determine the acknowledgement.

For more information please contact:

Dr. Jonathan Jones

The Sainsbury Laboratory, Norwich UK


Dr. Brande Wulff

John Innes Centre


Triticum turgidum

NLR-encoding genes were sequenced from 59 accessions of the tetraploid wheat Triticum turgidum as part of the GBMF-funded Resistance Gene Diversity (pan-NLR’ome) project performed by the laboratory of Jonathan Jones (TSL) in collaboration with Dr. Ksenia Krasileva (University of California, Berkeley) and under the auspices of 2Blades Foundation. The data were uploaded to the European Nucleotide Archive and can be downloaded under project PRJEB34907

Restrictions on data use

You are welcome to use these data to advance your studies of the plant immune system.

By accessing these data, you agree not to publish any articles containing analyses of genes or genomic data on a genome-wide, whole-assembly scale prior to publication by the producers (Reserved Analyses). Reserved Analyses include the identification of complete sets of genomic features such as genes, gene families, regulatory elements, repeat structures, GC content, or any other genome feature, and comparisons with other Triticeae.

The embargo on publication of Reserved Analyses by researchers outside of the pan-NLR’ome Project is expected to extend until a first publication of the results of the project is accepted. Academic users are free to publish papers dealing with specific genes or small sets of genes. If these data are used for publication, please contact the responsible persons below to determine the acknowledgement.

For more information please contact:

Dr. Jonathan Jones

The Sainsbury Laboratory, Norwich UK


Dr. Ksenia Krasileva

University of California, Berkeley


Aegilops sharonensis

NLR-encoding genes were sequenced from 100 accessions of Aegilops sharonensis as part of the GBMF-funded Resistance Gene Diversity (pan-NLR’ome) project performed by the laboratory of Jonathan Jones (TSL) in collaboration with Dr. Brande Wulff (John Innes Centre) and under the auspices of 2Blades Foundation. The data were uploaded to the European Nucleotide Archive and can be downloaded under projects PRJEB35211 and PRJEB35215.

Restrictions on data use

You are welcome to use these data to advance your studies of the plant immune system.

By accessing these data, you agree not to publish any articles containing analyses of genes or genomic data on a genome-wide, whole-assembly scale prior to publication by the producers (Reserved Analyses). Reserved Analyses include the identification of complete sets of genomic features such as genes, gene families, regulatory elements, repeat structures, GC content, or any other genome feature, and comparisons with other Triticeae.

The embargo on publication of Reserved Analyses by researchers outside of the pan-NLR’ome Project is expected to extend until a first publication of the results of the project is accepted. Academic users are free to publish papers dealing with specific genes or small sets of genes. If these data are used for publication, please contact the responsible persons below to determine the acknowledgement.

For more information please contact:

Dr. Jonathan Jones

The Sainsbury Laboratory, Norwich UK


Dr. Brande Wulff

John Innes Centre



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This research was funded by the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation through Grant GBMF4725 to Two Blades Foundation